Starbound Wiki
Starbound Wiki

This page is a tutorial on how to import music into Starbound to play on instruments.

Windows Tutorial[]

This tutorial is intended for use on a computer running Windows, most relevant for Windows Vista and up.

  1. Find a website that distributes ABC files. Popular ones include These websites are free and house large libraries of ABC music.
  2. Download the songs that you would like to play.
  3. Open two Explorer windows. In one of them, go to your Steam directory located in either C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86), locate your Starbound Install directory and find the instrument assets located in ~\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets\user\songs.
  4. Go to your download location (Default: Downloads or Desktop) with the other Explorer window to find the abc files you downloaded. Drag them to the songs folder in the first window.
  5. Open Starbound, go to your game, and equip the instrument of your choice. Left click and select all of the brand new songs that you just installed!
  6. Enjoy.

OSX Tutorial[]

This tutorial is intended for use on a computer running OSX Mountain Lion or higher.

  1. Find a website that distributes ABC files. Popular ones include These websites are free and house large libraries of ABC music.
  2. Download the songs that you would like to play.
  3. Open two Finder windows. In one of them, click "Go" on the top of your screen to the left. Go down to "Go to Folder" and copy paste this in: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/user/songs.
  4. Go to Downloads or Desktop or wherever you downloaded the abc files to. Drag them to the songs folder that you located in the other window and exit out of both windows.
  5. Open Starbound, go to your game, and equip the instrument of your choice. Left click and select all of the brand new songs that you just installed!
  6. Enjoy.

Linux Tutorial (Ubuntu)[]

  1. Find a website that distributes ABC files. Popular ones include These websites are free and house large libraries of ABC music.
  2. Download the songs that you would like to play.
  3. Open two file instances. Put one of them to your Steam directory (~/.steam/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/songs) and the other to Downloads.
  4. Drag the downloaded .abc files to your Steam directory.