This page is a tutorial on how to import music into Starbound to play on instruments.
Windows Tutorial[]
This tutorial is intended for use on a computer running Windows, most relevant for Windows Vista and up.
- Find a website that distributes ABC files. Popular ones include These websites are free and house large libraries of ABC music.
- Download the songs that you would like to play.
- Open two Explorer windows. In one of them, go to your Steam directory located in either C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86), locate your Starbound Install directory and find the instrument assets located in ~\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets\user\songs.
- Go to your download location (Default: Downloads or Desktop) with the other Explorer window to find the abc files you downloaded. Drag them to the songs folder in the first window.
- Open Starbound, go to your game, and equip the instrument of your choice. Left click and select all of the brand new songs that you just installed!
- Enjoy.
OSX Tutorial[]
This tutorial is intended for use on a computer running OSX Mountain Lion or higher.
- Find a website that distributes ABC files. Popular ones include These websites are free and house large libraries of ABC music.
- Download the songs that you would like to play.
- Open two Finder windows. In one of them, click "Go" on the top of your screen to the left. Go down to "Go to Folder" and copy paste this in: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/user/songs.
- Go to Downloads or Desktop or wherever you downloaded the abc files to. Drag them to the songs folder that you located in the other window and exit out of both windows.
- Open Starbound, go to your game, and equip the instrument of your choice. Left click and select all of the brand new songs that you just installed!
- Enjoy.
Linux Tutorial (Ubuntu)[]
- Find a website that distributes ABC files. Popular ones include These websites are free and house large libraries of ABC music.
- Download the songs that you would like to play.
- Open two file instances. Put one of them to your Steam directory (~/.steam/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/assets/songs) and the other to Downloads.
- Drag the downloaded .abc files to your Steam directory.