Starbound Wiki

Ixodoom is a Boss in Starbound.


This boss resembles a large, intimidating cross between a crab and a spider, with a shell that can be cracked open by attacking it.


Body Blow[]

This attack will ensure that you have to keep moving at all times. The boss will crush you under its massive bulk in this attack. To avoid it, move when the Ixodoom lines up and pauses.

Ixoling Spawn[]

This attack will spawn in a moderately high number of Ixolings. The Ixolings will deal a moderate amount of damage, and can jump towards far distances. Nuru will not help you clear these out. Ixodoom will generate more of these the lower its health is.

Acid Spray[]

Ixodoom will spray poisonous acid in this attack. The acid will spread out as it travels. Players might have to use Tech in order to avoid getting hit by this attack, as the acid will move at a high velocity.

Acid Rain[]

In this attack, Ixodoom will spray droplets of acid in a horizontal lign. You will need to keep moving in the direction that the spray is going in order to avoid this, as this attack will move at the same speed as you.


This fight can be hectic, especially with increasing swarms of Ixolings on the floor. Luckily, Nuru is invulnerable, so the player can let them do the bulk of the shell-cracking while the player deals with the distractions, or uses that time to heal if there are none. As with every boss fight, it's advisable to eat a Food Item or other medical item that provides steady healing over time before entering the chamber, as well as any other preferred buffs. The brave-and-or-crazy can try using Status Effects like Jump Boost or Glowing buffs to get in the Ixodoom's face and use heavy melee weapons on it.


The Ixodoom is the Boss of the Ceremonial Hunting Caverns Mission, and must be defeated in order to complete the “Fetch the Floran Artifact” Quest. It waits at the end of the area in a massive cavern, clinging to the wall above the player and Nuru, the multi-year winner of the Floran ceremonial hunt.


  • The Ixodoom, An Analysis