Starbound Wiki

The peaceful Hylotl place great value on ancestral tradition and take great comfort in the arts. Originally dwelling on land, their passive nature made them easy prey for the Florans, and they were driven beneath the waves, where they now thrive.
— Starbound Description

The Hylotl are a playable Race in Starbound.

The Hylotl are an aquatic and land-dwelling race. Despite this race being based on the Axolotl, they lack the ability to breathe underwater.


This race has highly advanced in technology, however they are peaceful and live under traditional japanese buildings. This race is known to be very intelligent, with a lot of art, science and philosophy knowledge among them. The Hylotl own the Letheia Corporation, which is one of the most successful companies in the Starbound galaxy.

The Hylotl have a long and bad history with the Floran. They were apparently at war with each other for a long period of time. The Hylotl did not use their advanced technology, which resulted in a Floran invasion and the Hylotls having to settle on Ocean Planets. Although the Hylotls deny this, there is still a lot of tension between the two races.


Similar to the other playable races, if a player chooses to be a Hylotl, they are given their own unique Armor, as well a unique Spaceship with its own unique Pet. They will have melee weapons in their default crafting, similar to every other playable race except for Novakid. Thus, they cannot obtain Novakid Weaponry.


The Hylotl Villages will spawn primarily on Ocean Planets, although it is possible for the villages to spawn on other planets as well.


The quest to find the Hylotl Artifact will result in the player visiting the Grand Pagoda Library, and defeating the Asra Nox Boss. Once completed, they will obtain the artifact. The Hylotl Artifact is the second obtainable artifact.

Racial Armour[]

Hylotl Armor (Puddle) - Armor - Starbound Hylotl Armor (Pond) - Armor - Starbound Hylotl Armor (River) - Armor - Starbound Hylotl Armor (Lake) - Armor - Starbound Hylotl Armor (Sea) - Armor - Starbound Hylotl Armor (Ocean) - Armor - Starbound Hylotl Armor (Reef) - Armor - Starbound Hylotl Armor (Euphotic) - Armor - Starbound Hylotl Armor (Dysphotic) - Armor - Starbound Hylotl Armor (Aphotic) - Armor - Starbound
Puddle Pond River Lake Sea Ocean Reef Euphotic Disphotic Aphotic



Playable Apex Icon ApexAvian Icon AvianFloran Icon FloranGlitch Icon Glitch Human Icon Human
Hylotl Icon HylotlNovakid Icon Novakid
Non Playable Agaran Icon AgaranAlpaca Icon AlpacaAncient Icon AncientDeadbeat IconDeadbeat
Fenerox Icon FeneroxFrogg Icon FroggPenguin Icon PenguinShadows Icon Shadow