Farming is a simple, renewable source of various organic objects such as Food, Plant Fibre and Seeds.
Basics of farming[]
The basic tool needed to farm is the Hoe. It is used to till soil (see list below) into usable farmland using the left mouse button. Seeds can then be placed on tilled soil. Each plant takes a certain amount of time to grow. Once they are fully grown, mouse over them and press the E key to harvest.
Seeds can only be planted on tilled soil. Some plants need more space than others. For example, Wheat requires 2 blocks of soil, while Feathercrown requires only 1 block.
Growth is calculated every 20 seconds, each of these periods is called a growth cycle.
Certain crops can be harvested over and over without needed to be replanted, Coralcreep, for example. Other crops, like Pineapples, must be replanted every time they are harvested.
As of Pleased Giraffe, Crops now require water to grow. Tilled soil will be dry and must be moistened by a watering can, rain, or dropping water on it. At each stage of the crop's growth, the soil will become dry again, and must be watered to progress further. Keeping most crops under water for too long will cause it to be washed away as if removed by the matter manipulator, and will need to be replanted. A few crops must be submerged.
List of crops[]
Crop | Space needed (width x height) |
Growth cycles to Maturity | Submerged | Harvest Type |
Automato | 2x4 tiles | ~144 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Avesmingo | 2x4 tiles (L-shaped) | ~28 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Banana | 2x6 tiles | ~225 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Beakseed | 1x2 tiles | ~141 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Boltbulb | 1x2 tile | ~38 | No | Single-Harvest |
Boneboo | 2x4 tiles | ~24 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Carrot | 1x2 tile | ~144 | No | Single-Harvest |
Chili | 2x3 tiles | ~279 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Coffee | 2x4 tiles | ? | No | Multi-Harvest |
Coralcreep | 2x2 tiles (L-shaped) | ~24 | Yes | Multi-Harvest |
Corn | 2x5 tiles | ~40 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Cotton | 2x4 tiles | No | Multi-Harvest | |
Crystal Plant | 2x1 tile | ~288 | No | ? |
Currentcorn | 1x2 tile | >180 | No | Single-Harvest |
Diodia | 2x1 tiles | ~72 | No | Single-Harvest |
Dirturchin | 2x1 tiles | ~18 | No | Single-Harvest |
Eggshoot | 1x1 tile | ~35 | No | Single-Harvest |
Feathercrown | 1x1 tile | ~36 | No | Single-Harvest |
Grape | 2x4 tiles | ~63 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Kiwi | 1x1 tile | ~36 | No | Single-Harvest |
Mushroom | ? | ? | No | Single-Harvest |
Neonmelon | 2x2 tile | >360 | No | Single-Harvest |
Oculemon | 2x3 tiles | >90 | No | Single-Harvest |
Pearlpea | 2x4 tile | >180 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Pineapple | 2x2 tile | ~142 | No | Single-Harvest |
Potato | 1x2 tile | ~63 | No | Single-Harvest |
Pussplum | 1x2 tile | ~74 | No | Single-Harvest |
Reefpod | 2x1 tile | ~51 | Yes | Single-Harvest |
Rice | 1x3 tiles | ~30 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Sugarcane | 2x5 tiles | >10 | No | Single-Harvest |
Tomato | 2x4 tiles | >45 | No | Multi-Harvest |
Toxic Top | 2x1 tile | ~279 | No | Single-Harvest |
Wartweed | 2x2 tiles | ~24 | No | Single-Harvest |
Wheat | 2x4 tile | ~27 | No | Single-Harvest |
Growth factors[]
Currently, rainfall, biome, dirt type, temperature, and other planetary factors do not influence plant growth, crop yields, etc. Crops have different growth cycles. Corn, for example, takes about four times as long to grow into a mature plant as compared to wheat.
In the future, the aforementioned factors may influence plant growth, making some biomes more "fertile" or favorable to farm.
List of Farmable Soils[]
Type | Description |
Dirt Block | Dirty looking dirt. |
Wet Dirt | It's not quite mud, it's not quite dirt.. it's wet dirt! |
Dry Dirt | Dirt, dried solid in the sun. |
Mud | Thick and sticky mud. |
Clay | Dry and dusty clay. |
Ash Block | Ash packed tight into a solid block. |
Corrupt Dirt Block | Ick. Corrupt dirt. |