Starbound Wiki

A race of highly intelligent primates. For millennia, the Apex were close to human in appearance until a scientific breakthrough allowed them to trade physical devolution for intellectual evolution.
— Starbound Description

The Apex are a playable race in Starbound.

The Apex are a land-dwelling race. They are based on the Ape.


Like the Hylotl, the Apex have highly advanced in technology. However, unlike the Hylotl's peaceful villages, the Apex live in dystopian towns controlled by the Apex government, or the Miniknog. The Apex are led to believe that a fictional hologram known as Big Ape is their god, and any Apex who criticises Big Ape is punished.

The Miniknog originated when they developed a cure for a disease that was slowly turning the Apex into Ape-like creatures while they were previously more Human-like. They now control every Apex, and some Apexes are captured by the government and are taken in for biological testing, hence the Miniknog Strongholds "Zombie Apes".

However, if the Apex government are controlling all Apex like this, there are bound to be rebels. Some Apex villages are rebel camps, equipped with armed forces, supplies, guards, and watch towers. These villages include defaced statues and posters of Big Ape, showing that the rebels do not fall for the Miniknog propaganda.


Similar to other playable races, if the player chooses to be an Apex, they are given their own unique Armor, as well as a unique Spaceship with its own unique Pet. They will have melee weapons in their default crafting, similar to every other playable race except for Novakid. Thus, they cannot obtain Novakid weaponry.


The Apex villages will primarily spawn on Tundra Planets, although it is possible for the villages to spawn on other planets as well.


The quest to find the Apex Artifact will result in the player visiting the Miniknog Stronghold, as well as defeating the Big Ape Boss. Once completed, they will obtain the artifact. The Apex Artifact is the fourth obtainable artifact.

Racial Armour[]

Apex Armor (Defector) - Armor - Starbound Apex Armor (Rebel) - Armor - Starbound Apex Armor (Insurgent) - Armor - Starbound Apex Armor (Revolutionary) - Armor - Starbound Apex Armor (Rogue) - Armor - Starbound Apex Armor (Spy) - Armor - Starbound Apex Armor (Assassin) - Armor - Starbound Apex Armor (Frontliner) - Armor - Starbound Apex Armor (Infiltrator) - Armor - Starbound Apex Armor (Usurper) - Armor - Starbound
Defector Rebel Insurgent Revolutionary Rogue Spy Assassin Frontliner Infiltrator Usurper



Playable Apex Icon ApexAvian Icon AvianFloran Icon FloranGlitch Icon Glitch Human Icon Human
Hylotl Icon HylotlNovakid Icon Novakid
Non Playable Agaran Icon AgaranAlpaca Icon AlpacaAncient Icon AncientDeadbeat IconDeadbeat
Fenerox Icon FeneroxFrogg Icon FroggPenguin Icon PenguinShadows Icon Shadow