








  • Windowsの場合

Starbound Launcherを起動します。

"Launch Starbound Server"をクリックします。




  • Run the Starbound server in your Starbound directory. The default location is:
    • On 32-bit Windows, C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\starbound\win32\starbound_server.exe
    • On 64-bit Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\starbound_server.exe
    • On Mac OS, ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound
    • On 32-bit Linux, ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/linux32/starbound_server
    • On 64-bit Linux, ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/linux64/starbound_server
    • If the Starbound server cannot be found at these locations, then right-click the game in Steam to find the Starbound directory.​

Server Testing[]

To host the game on the internet you will need to forward/allow TCP port 21025 on your router and firewall (if enabled)

See the resource section on a Remote Port Testing URL If the resource reports that the port is closed then you will need to:

  • Check your firewall(s) in your OS
  • Check your forwarding rules on your router(s)

Locally, you should still be able to connect to your server using the IP (Local Loopback) in the Starbound client, however your friends won't.

Once the remote tool reports that the port is open, then you may give your IP out to your friends to play. To locate your IP use this, or another similar URL

Client Setup[]

  • Load the game, click "Multiplayer" in the main menu​
  • Select the character you wish to use
  • Server Address: Enter the IP or DNS name you wish to connect to.
  • Enter the server account and password if this has been configured, otherwise it can be left blank
  • Click on "Join Server"
  • Invite your friends to connect too!​

Multiplayer Gameplay[]

Forming a Party[]

Once you're in-game, you and your friends will be on different ships! Their portraits should not appear on the left side of the screen. You can click the + icon next to your characters portrait to add them to your party and then you will see their portraits on the left under yours!

Once you're in a party with someone, you can warp to their ship by clicking on their portrait.

Advanced Server Configuration[]

By editing the file 'starbound.config' in the giraffe_storage directory, players can adjust the settings for the server they're hosting. This method allows players to configure server passwords, ports, default game settings and much more by adjusting values.


キー 説明 初期値
gameServerPort サーバーのポート 21025
gameServerBind "*"
bannedUuids UUID(Unique User Ids)のBANリスト []
bannedIPs IPアドレスのBANリスト []
serverName サーバーの名前 A Starbound Server
maxPlayers 最大接続人数 8
upnpPortForwarding true
checkAssetsDigest false
allowAdminCommands サーバー上で管理者コマンドを使用可能にするかの設定 true
allowAdminCommandsFromAnyone 全プレイヤーが管理者コマンドを使用できるかの設定 false
runQueryServer false
queryServerPort 21025
queryServerBind "*"
runRconServer false
rconServerPort 21026
rconServerBind "*"
rconServerPassword ""
rconServerTimeout 500


windowTitle Game program window title "Starbound - Beta"
vsync Enables vertical synchronization true
renderSleep true
maxFrameskip Frame skip setting 10
sampleRate Audio sampling frequency 44100
audioChannels Number of audio channels 2
audioChannelSeparation Audio balance [-25, 25]

Player Config[]

clearUniverseFiles Forces players to use new universe data false
clearPlayerFiles Forces players to use new characters false
playerBackupFileCount 3

Default Menu settings[]

sfxVol Sound effect volume level between 0-100 100
musicVol Music volume level between 0-100 100
windowedResolution Game resolution in windowed mode [1000, 600]
maximizedResolution Game resolution in a maximized window [1000, 600]
fullscreenResolution Game resolution when fullscreen [1920, 1080]
fullscreen Full screen enable false
maximized Game window maximized true
zoomLevel Zoom level of game camera 3.0
speechBubbles Toggle for player speech bubbles true
crafting.filterHaveMaterials Filtering of crafting lists to 'available to craft' false
title.connectionString IP address of the last server connection ""

