I've seen so many posts that are more than 8 years old, and I want to have reliable information, and I'd assume new or returning players would also want information that isn't completely useless. Thank you? ._.
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Why hello there starbounders that are still alive (if any of you ARE alive)
Just Updated
Why is it so outdated? There is only 1 admin who has performed an action in the past 3 years, and it seems to be extremely outdated. The formatting for pages is bad and there are barely any templates.
I came here for a strategy on the Ixodoom boss, but there was barely any information on the page and I hadto revamp it. Also, less than a quater of the items that are in this game have their own page.
Also, I see a lot of comments from pages from unregistered users, normally complaining about the state of the pages.
Who are the active editors on this wiki (if there are any), and why is this wiki so messed up and out of date?
Uhhhh I just chose a random game wiki and here I am
As much as I wished I have played starbound, due to me being a young person who still lives with her parents, i have no way of playing this. Hopefull soon, I will be able to. Is there any new updates i should know about? What's the best way to defeat bosses now? What else do I need to know?
I came here to see if this wiki had any information about something that Starbounder was missing, and upon seeing the extremely out-of-date main page, almost noped myself right back out of here. Then I remembered fandom has a process for handling neglected wikis and decided to see if I could get it started. Seeing as none of the administrators have been on (judging by their contribution logs) in the past 3 or so years, is there anyone active here that would be opposed to a change of hands? Anyone active enough (which excludes me because my last and only three contributions were also 3 years ago) can put in an adoption request as long as they meet all the other requirements listed on Community Central:Adoption Requests.
edit: I really need to proofread my messages more carefully. Whole bunch of voice transcription errors.
Follow-up: problem solved (or at least alleviated), as there is now a new admin: Yours truly. As such, if anyone has any issues, concerns, questions, etc., feel free to notify me, either through this forum or by posting something on my talk page. and I'll see what I can do!
Multiple pages on this wiki are just copy pasted information and very graphic explanations of how human reproduction works. Please fix that, may literally every god help you when you see them. It’s really disturbing stuff.
Hi there Starbounders!
I've been victim of a prank, I host a Starbound server and some dirty-dog put rats in 2 solar systems, this is one of the 2, visible only from the navigation console, how did they do it? exploiting a bug? What the heck is this thing and most important, how do I remove those from my universe files? (it's visible offline too)
When you zoom to the planet they zoom out of the visual btw
Please help this is really embarrassing!
Thank you
I have some sort of prison on a world I'd like to call home- everyone inside was hostile and I killed them all. BUT, I still can't break the blocks there. Buddy says that I should be able to if everyone hostile was killed- is this the case? Or are unbreakable blocks with the little blue outline always unbreakable?
Hey Starbound Wiki! I'm Emptylord, and I’m part of a new team over at Fandom who are tasked with supporting communities, such as yours. Lucky you, you’ve been designated me! If you have any questions relating to your wiki—whether it's code-related, policy related, or otherwise—I'm your first point of contact, and your own personal liaison to full-time Fandom Staff.
So, I've repaired my ship. I wanted this game purely to make a community. I made all the houses. But Frogg Furnishings won't open! This has me extremely peeved, please! I need some help!
One of my crew members has this weapon (first pic.) and it shoots kinda like blue waves like this (second pic.) Does anyone know what it is? i'd really want to get myself one of those but i never found one like it. (BTW i have the FU modpack installed but i dont think its from a mod)
i just find a weapon which isn't referenced in the wiki is name is Magnorbs it's fun to play with but i suppose like a lot of others weapons from chest or drop, there isn't any possibility to get by the id in this wiki ?
it would be nice if people who find unique weapons could share them too
i don't have any mode 'cause i take the game from discord so RIP steam workshop ='(
that's why find id from this wiki it's my only chance to have what I want
(and i want try a lot of unique weapons)
They do drop good weapons and make it fun, so say yes if you want to bring em back
Beat the Erchius crystal boss. if it doesn't spawn, that's okay you can try again
i got a pet that looks ridable but i dont know if there is a special button or if you can even do it, please tell me if anyone knows how to or if you cant
So, when I start the game it is fine but as soon as I load onto the planet, it crashes and gives me this message.
I don't know what it means, and I can't tell which mods is causing it.
Please help.